Section: New Results

Resource Control

Participants : Michele Alberti, Ugo Dal Lago, Marco Gaboardi, Daniel Hirschkoff, Simone Martini, Paolo Parisen Toldin, Giulio Pellitta, Barbara Petit, Davide Sangiorgi, Marco Solieri.

In Focus, we study both foundations and methodologies for controlling the amount of resources programs and processes make use of. The employed techniques mainly come from the world of type theory and proof theory, and as such have been used extensively in the context of sequential computation. Interesting results have been obtained recently indicating that those techniques can be quite useful in the concurrent context too, thus being potentially interesting for CBUS.

During 2012, we have continued our work on intensionally complete techniques for the complexity analysis of functional programs. In [15] a relatively complete type system from which complexity of call-by-name terms has been introduced, while in [25] the same approach is used in a call-by-value setting. The introduced methodology allows us to reduce the problem at hand to the verification of a set of first-order proof-obligations. No information is lost along the reduction.

The interpretation method has been the object of a couple of investigations. On the one hand, we have proved a necessary condition for a first-order program to admit a quasi-interpretation [12] : it must be blind, namely it must be somehow insensible to its argument value, but only sensible to their length. Moreover, we have introduced a new methodology for the complexity analysis of higher-order programs based on an higher-order generalizations of ordinary polynomial interpretations and quasi-interpretations [23] .

Among the most foundational works in this area, we should also mention those about invariance results on cost models [16] , [22] : we proved that in many different cases, the number of beta-reduction steps is an adequate cost-model for the lambda calculus. These results are potentially useful for complexity analysis, in that they show that a natural and quite intuitive cost model is indeed reasonable, meaning that evaluation can be simulated by finer-grained models of computation within a polynomial overhead.

Finally, some of our works have to do with the semantics of various sorts of lambda calculi with linearity constraints: a non-deterministic extension of the call-by-value lambda calculus, which corresponds to the additive fragment of the linear-algebraic lambda-calculus [36] ; a lambda calculus with constructors that decomposes the pattern matching à la ML into some atomic rules [44] ; a categorical approach to model the programming language SlPCF that has been conceived in order to program only linear functions between Coherence Spaces [20] .

We have also continued our work on techniques for ensuring termination of programs, studying [34] how to transport techniques initially devised for processes onto sequential higher-order languages with imperative features (e.g., λ-calculi with references). The method employed makes it possible to combine term rewriting measure-based techniques for termination of imperative languages with traditional approaches to termination in purely functional languages, such as logical relations.